Terms & Policies

Desiboy Innovations LLP

Registration Number:


Effective Date:

August 20, 2022

Registered Office

District Damoh 470661 Madhya Pradesh India.

These terms of use apply to your use of the Web and App of RoomYara (www.roomyara.com - hereafter the "App and Web") and RoomYara mobile application (iOS application / Android application - hereafter the "App"), provided by DesiBoy Innovations LLP (hereafter "we" or "us" or "our" or "RoomYara"). Please go through them carefully. If you object to anything in the terms of use or our privacy policy, please do not use the web or the app or any other service we offer.

Acceptance of Terms of Use Agreement

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to make changes to the terms of use and privacy policy at any time. We may do this for a variety of reasons including to reflect changes in new features, changes in business practices or requirements of the law. The most updated version is available on our app and App and App with the date of last revision. Please check the terms of use and privacy policy periodically for changes as all modifications are effective upon publication. Continued use of the RoomYara app and App and App after revision indicates the user's acceptance of the terms of use. We will notify RoomYara users when modifications are made to the terms of use and/or privacy policy via our App.


RoomYara is a social platform with the purpose to connect like-minded people around the globe to find love. By creating an account on RoomYara you hereby warrant the following;

  1. Minimum Age.User of the App must be at least 18 years old to use or to register at the App for the Services. By using the Services on the App, the User represents and warrants that he/ she is a minimum 18 years old. It is possible that certain Services may have other age requirements and such other age requirements are stated at the relevant places.
  2. Marital Status. By requesting to use, registering to use, or using the Services, the User represents and warrants that the User is not married or is divorced. If the User is not legally divorced, then the Services will not be available for the User till the divorce is legally achieved.
  3. Criminal History. By requesting to use, registering to use, and/or using the Service, the User represents and warrants that the User has never been convicted under any law governing us or the User. RoomYara reserves the right to conduct a criminal background check, at any time and using available public records, to confirm possibility of misrepresentation. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the User consents to and authorises such check.
  4. Verification. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, User hereby authorises RoomYara (and its third party authentication agency) to conduct verification checks on the User/ You. The verification process is critical/ important for receiving the complete set of Services offered at the App by RoomYara. The verification process is initiated and performed if:
    1. Specifically asked by You to receive the defined set of Services offered at the App;
    2. RoomYara, at its sole discretion decides to conduct a Verification check whenever deemed necessary.

      In either case, the User will be appropriately notified and requested to provide the required documents and fill up the necessary Consent Forms for initiating and completing the Verification process.

      User agrees and confirms that non-abidance of Verification requests made by RoomYara will render the Registered Account at the App terminable at the instance of RoomYara without any recourse, whatsoever. RoomYara is authorised and justified in taking any action necessary on such refusal by the User.

      User agrees and understands that RoomYara or its third party expert service provider and their associates are not the author or creator of the information coming forth in the Verification Checks. Under this premise and limitations, RoomYara or its third party expert service provider or their associates do not warrant accuracy, validity or completeness of the content of the Verification checks. RoomYara, expressly disclaims that the Verification checks will meet the User’s aspirations or expectations and shall be performed in an uninterrupted manner. Verification check verifies the existence of the facts and information provided by the User, it does not verify the authenticity of the facts itself.

  5. Meeting Matching System Criteria. To register for the Services, the User has to undertake a Personality Assessment prepared by RoomYara specialists/ experts in the panel. User is expected to fill in/ respond to the questions in the Personality Assessment. This will be contactful for RoomYara to make recommendations of closest match in personality type and probable compatibility with the User. There is a possibility that occasionally the matching system cannot identify high quality compatible matches or meet the minimum matching threshold required in Our system for any given individual for either identifiable reasons or not, or for not completing the Verification Process, in which case We will not be able to provide the Services on this App to the User and could even cause the Account to be terminated at the sole discretion of RoomYara. The User could also register with the App if the same has been recommended through any of Our third party entity/ or corporate schemes. However, it is clarified that any such recommendation will not give rise to any liability on part of the third party entity/ or corporate recommending the Services and User will have no claim against the relevant recommending entity or RoomYara during the term of receiving the Services or thereafter.

Use of App and Service

As a User of the App or a User registered to use any of the Services (a "Registered User"), the User agrees to the following:

Exclusive Use. The account with the App is available under two categories, i) Paid account; and ii) Free User account. Once an account is created with the App it is for the User’s personal use only. The User may not authorize others to use the account. The account with the App is non assignable and non-transferable to any third party whether a person or an entity. The User acknowledges and confirms that RoomYara is not responsible for third party access to the User’s account that results from theft, hacking or misappropriation of user names and passwords.

Geographic Limitations. The App and Services are currently intended for Users within India. The Services and the App at some time may be made open to other geographical locations as well and the same will be made known to the Users through notifications/ intimation on the App. The User agrees to at all times use the Services in a manner consistent with this Terms and Conditions and any and all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the one’s of the location where the User is located or is a national of. By using the Services, as a User You represent that you have not been designated by any applicable law or regulation as a person / entity to whom the provisions of the Services can not be provided and who is prohibited from receiving the Services. Registration for, and use of, the Services become void if the same have been prohibited and the User uses or registers with the App. You are responsible for determining whether the user of the Services is legal in your jurisdiction

Information Submitted. The User is solely responsible for, and assume all liability regarding, (i) the information and content provided at the App for the Service; (ii) the information and content the User posts, transmits, publishes, shares or otherwise makes available (hereinafter"Post") to RoomYara for the Services; (iii) User interactions with other Registered Users through the Services; and (iv) the information provided in the Personality Assessment. The App shares User information with the specific User’s matches.

Risk Assumption and Precautions. All risks when using the Services and the App, including but not limited to all of the risks associated with any online or offline interactions with others, including meeting other matches remain with the User. The User is expected to use his / her best judgement in experiencing any of the benefits/ requirements of the Services. The User agrees to take all necessary precautions when meeting individuals through the App and under the Services. In addition, the User agrees and confirms to review and follow the recommendations set forth in the App as pointers to Safety and/ or mailed to User from time to time. The User undertakes to adhere to the Safety pointers and shall all times be responsible for all outcomes of meeting/ sharing information and/ or being in a short or a long term relationship through the Services/ App. It is accepted and understood by the User that at all times the User shall use his/ her judgement and discretion in receiving the Services through the App or proceeding with a match and/ or deciding to be in a relationship with a match herefrom.

No Guarantees. RoomYara through the App and its specific systems attempts to provide matches on a best effort basis, however, every User may not find ideal matches through the Services. Furthermore, RoomYara does not make any representations or guarantees regarding the number or frequency of matches through the Service, or the ability, desire or criteria of such proposed matches to communicate with the User. The User fully understands and accepts that RoomYara makes no guarantees, either express or implied, direct or indirect, regarding User’s ultimate compatibility with matches’/ individuals the User meets through the Service or as to the conduct of such individuals.

Background and Verification Checks. RoomYara engages with third party experts for conducting basic background verification checks and does not take any guarantees for the same other than as offered, represented, warranted and undertaken by such third party experts providing these services to RoomYara. By accepting the Terms and Conditions and having a Registered Account with the App, the User has agreed to get the Self Verification Process completed. User agrees and accepts that if the User refuses/ fails to get the Verification check completed then, RoomYara at its sole discretion, without any recourse from the User, have the right to terminate the Account. The set of Services offered at the App are linked to completion of the Verification process and the User may receive corresponding permits based on the Verification.

No Tolerance for Objectionable Content or Abusive Users. Abuse, trolling, inappropriate & objectionable content such as (but not limited to) threats, nudity, obscenity etc. are an immediate violation of the Terms of Use of RoomYara. If any such violation is brought Our attention via a “Report User” mechanism or other mechanism, RoomYara will take strict and relevant action against such violation.

RoomYara does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, validity or completeness of the Verification check done by the third party expert service provider and disclaims that the outcome of the Verification Check will meet the User’s aspirations or expectations. It is clarified that the Verification Check is verifying the existence of facts and information provided by the User voluntarily for verification it is not for verifying authenticity of the facts. If any of the state, municipal of other government records indicate a conflict in facts vis-à-vis the information provided by the User, then RoomYara is likely to rely on the professional judgement of the third party expert service provider in determining the outcome of the Verification Check. If RoomYara, in its sole and fair judgement believes that false information provided by the User is with an intention to mislead the Verification Process or alter the outcome of such verification check, or defame RoomYara, or in any manner negatively impact the Services or RoomYara’s ability to deliver the Services to other Users, then defaulting User accepts that RoomYara will have complete rights in law and tort against the User in question. RoomYara at its sole discretion may choose to take any action it deems fit.

Reporting of Violations. The User is obligated and will promptly report at the App any violation of the Terms and Conditions by others, including but not limited to, Registered Users as soon as the User becomes aware of the same.

Content Removal. RoomYara reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor the information or material User submits to the App or the Posts in the public areas of the Services or linked to other public Apps. RoomYara at all times reserves all rights to remove any such information or material that in its sole opinion violates, or may violate, any applicable law or either the letter or spirit of this Terms and Conditions or the integrity of any other User or upon the request/ report of any third party. RoomYara reserves the right to remove matches previously delivered to the User, in its sole discretion, in order to maintain the quality of experience and authenticity of the App, without any recourse from the User.

Posting and Communication Restrictions. The User will not post on the Services, transmit to other users, communicate any content (or links thereto), or otherwise engage in any activity on the App or through the Services, which:

  • promotes any kind of discriminatory material, racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
  • is intended to or tends to harass, annoy, threaten or intimidate any other users of the App or Services;
  • is defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, obscene or otherwise objectionable;
  • contains others' copyrighted content (e.g., music, movies, videos, photographs, images, software, etc.) without prior approval of the owner;
  • contains video, audio photographs, or images of another person without his or her permission (or in the case of a minor, the minor's legal guardian);
  • promotes or enables illegal or unlawful activities, such as instructions on how to make or buy illegal weapons or drugs, violate someone's privacy, harm or harass another person, obtain others' identity information, create or disseminate computer viruses, or circumvent copy-protect devices;
  • intended to defraud, swindle or deceive other users of the Services;
  • contains viruses, time bombs, trojan horses, cancelbots, worms or other harmful, or disruptive codes, components or devices;
  • promotes or solicits involvement in or support of a political platform, religion, cult, or sect;
  • disseminates another person's personal information without his or her permission, or collects or solicits another person's personal information for commercial or unlawful purposes;
  • is off-topic, meaningless, or otherwise intended to annoy or interfere with others' enjoyment of the App;
  • impersonates, or otherwise misrepresents affiliation, connection or association with, any person or entity;
  • solicits gambling or engages in any gambling or similar activity;
  • uses anything or other automated technology to access the App or Services;
  • uses the App or Services for chain letter, junk mail or spam e-mails;
  • collects or solicits personal information about anyone under 18 years of age; or
  • is in any way used for or in connection with spamming, spimming, phishing, trolling, or similar activities.

No False Information. By registering with the App and receiving the Services the User undertakes not to provide inaccurate, misleading or false information to RoomYara or to any other user or recommended/ suggested matches. If information provided to RoomYara, or at the App or another user subsequently becomes inaccurate, misleading or false, within the User’s knowledge then the User will promptly notify the App of such change or discontinue usage of the App/ Services if User does not require the Services any longer.

No Advertising or Commercial Solicitation. The User undertakes not to advertise or solicit any user to buy or sell any products or services through the App or Services. User is strictly prohibited against transmitting any chain letters, junk or spam e-mail to other users. Further, no User shall use any information obtained from the Services in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to any user without their prior explicit consent of RoomYara and the other such User. It is clarified that any such use of information shall be to the sole liability and responsibility of the User engaging in such activity. Breach by any of the Users of the terms of this subsection and sending or posting unsolicited bulk email, "spam" or other unsolicited communications of any kind through the Services will cause substantial harm to RoomYara, and that the amount of such harm would be extremely difficult to ascertain. As a reasonable estimation of such harm, the User shall be liable and agrees to pay RoomYara a minimum of INR 1,00,000.00 for each such unsolicited communication.

Single Bona Fide Profile. As a Registered User of the Service, the User is expected to create only one bona fide profile. In addition, it is stressed that the use of the Service must be for bona fide relationship-seeking / matchmaking purposes in order to maintain the integrity of the Services being offered through the App (for example, User is discouraged from becoming a User for casual relationships, solely to compile a report of compatible singles in User’s area, or to write a school research paper or create a databse for other similar Apps or creating and collating database for any such purpose). From time to time, RoomYara creates test profiles in order to monitor the operation of the Services and also offers a feature to refer profiles/ prospective Users. The Users, at their will, can accept these offers and refer profiles to RoomYara. All references to the App, made by a User shall be of his/ her free will and wish.

Selection of Profiles. RoomYara may offer promotions from time to time on the App and in the context of the Services. Please note for any promotions on the App, the User shall be under no obligation to accept the same. The User acknowledges and accepts that the decision to whether or not to accept the promotion offered or meet or to proceed with meeting or engaging in any relationship with any suggested/ recommended matches will be the sole discretion of the User in question, RoomYara shall not be liable or responsible for any outcome whatsoever of such suggestions/ recommendations of matches or offering the promotions on the App. It is clarified that all suggestions/ recommendations are made in good faith and with intentions of well being whether or not to explore those suggestions/ recommendations are solely and totally in the judgement and assessment of the User. User is encouraged to review Our Safety pointers while proceeding with any match in a more committed manner.

No Harassment of RoomYara Employees or Agents. The User is prohibited from harassing, annoying, intimidating or threatening any RoomYara employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Services. If any User breaches this provision of these Terms and Conditions, then RoomYara may take any legal action it deems appropriate against such User without prejudice to RoomYara’s any other rights in law or tort.

Social Media. The App may provide User the option to connect your App account to any account on some social networking Apps (such as via Facebook, twitter etc.) for the purpose of logging in, uploading information or enabling certain features on the Service. Please note, RoomYara owes no responsibility for privacy practices of such App and Apps which are not owned, controlled or managed by RoomYara. If in following such links User may be asked to share any information governed under these provisions with the third party web and Apps and thus the User shall be solely responsible for sharing and handling, storing, possessing and use of that information with such third party web and Apps. Usually, third party web and Apps are governed by their own Privacy guidelines and the User is encouraged to review these carefully to understand the handling of information at third party Apps. The User is aware and confirms that in such a scenario User will be governed and bound by the policies of the third party web and App and RoomYara will not be liable in any manner for any misuse, thereunder. Each social network allows User to set privacy controls around on their system, and RoomYara’s collection of information will always follow such controls and permissions. This feature is subject to continuous change and improvement by RoomYara and each social networking App involved, and therefore the available features and shared information are subject to change without notice or consent of the User. All information shared on the App by the User is used in compliance with the Privacy Policy on the App. We recommend User reads the Privacy Policy on our App, carefully. Once connected, some of the User matches may also be able to see information about the User’s social network, such as the size of your network and your friends, including common friends. By connecting the User account on this App to other social networking App, the User unconditionally consents to the continuous release of information about the User to RoomYara. It is clarified, RoomYara does not send any User account information to the connected social networking App without first disclosing that to the User. The User at all times has the right to opt-out of this provision by making alterations in the Account Settings page on the App.

Third Party recommendations. Users registered/ registering with the App from third party corporate recommendations will have to follow all procedures and requirements specified on the App including the Verification Process and shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and are expected to consider Our Safety Guidelines provided on the App. There is no preferred User status for any User at the App. All third party corporations recommending the App among their work force do so as per their company policies and do not incur any liability from doing so or their referred User receiving the Services on RoomYara’s account.

Governing Law

These terms of use and privacy policy shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in mumbai, maharashtra.

Registration and Your Account

  • If you want to use the Web and App or services, you first need to register. In order to register, you need to authenticate yourself using Facebook or Linkedin login. After registering, you can create a personal account ("Your Account"). When creating Your Account, we will need your pictures. You are further invited to provide us with more information about yourself including but not limited to your interests, story, pictures, philosophy, work and an icebreaker, apart from basic information about yourself (such as your name, gender, date of birth, height, relationship status, religion, ethnicity, city of residence). You email will serve as your identifier while contacting support.
  • Your Account is registered via your Facebook or Linkedin Login. By logging in through Facebook or Linkedin, you authorize us to access and use your Facebook account information including and not limited to your public Facebook profile and information you share in common with other RoomYara users for the creation of your account on RoomYara.
  • The registration and creation of Your Account qualifies you as a user. Users can be suspended by us if we receive several complaints from other users.
  • RoomYara does not accept any responsibility for the login credentials used to sign in to the service. You accept sole responsibility for all activities that occur under those credentials.
  • By registering for RoomYara, you grant us permission to send you SMS notifications about your profile related activities.
  • If you feel your account has been compromised and been accessed by someone other than you, contact contact@roomyara.com requesting for removal of your account from your registered email ID.

General Provisions

  1. Agency. This is a principal-to-principal relationship and does not attempt to create any employee-employer or agency relationship. Services are being provided by Us as an independent entity and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create any association, partnership, joint venture or relationship of principal and agent or master and servant, or employer and employee between the Parties hereto or any affiliates or subsidiaries thereof or to provide the User with the right, power or authority, whether express or implied to create any such duty or obligation on behalf of RoomYara.
  2. 1.2 Assignments. RoomYara may assign, in whole or in part, the benefits or obligations of this Agreement to its associate’s of affiliates of other group company, or any other company, pursuant to a restructuring or re-organization or demerger of its organization or operations causing a change in management or something of the nature. RoomYara shall not require approval or consent of the User, it can at its discretion provide an intimation of such assignment to the User.
  3. Force Majeure. RoomYara shall not be liable for its failure to perform under this Agreement as a result of any event of force majeure events like acts of god, fire, wars, sabotage, civil unrest, labour unrest, action of Statutory Authorities or local or Central Governments, change in Laws, Rules and Regulations, affecting the performance of RoomYara, Payment Gateways or any other channel partners.
  4. Governing Law, Settlement of Disputes and Jurisdiction. Any dispute or claim relating to it, its enforceability or its termination under these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by a sole arbitrator appointed by RoomYara. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in English language at Mumbai. The courts at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes relating to the subject matter herein.
  5. Waiver. Unless otherwise expressly stated, failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy, hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or a waiver of any other rights or remedies, and no single or partial exercise of any right or remedy, hereunder shall prevent any further exercise of the right or remedy or the exercise of any other right or remedy.
  6. Survival of Provisions. Terms and Conditions will survive termination of the same by the User or by RoomYara.
  7. Severability. If any provision, hereunder becomes, in whole or in part, invalid or unenforceable but would be valid or enforceable if some part of that provision was deleted, that provision shall apply with such deletions as may be necessary to make it valid. If any Court/Tribunal of competent jurisdiction holds any of the provisions, hereunder unlawful or otherwise ineffective, the remainder shall remain in full force and the unlawful or otherwise ineffective provision shall be substituted by a new provision reflecting the intent of the provision so substituted.
  8. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, waivers and other communications required or permitted to be given here under shall be @ [contact@roomyara.com], if to RoomYara, if to the User it shall be to address registered with the App. 13.8
  9. Right to Seek Injunction. The User accepts and acknowledges that the breach of the Terms and Conditions may cause RoomYara irreparable harm, and thus confirms and accepts that RoomYara will be entitled to seek extraordinary relief in court, including but not limited to temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions and permanent injunctions without any preconditions, in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that RoomYara may have under law and tort.
  10. Miscellaneous. Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and other policies on the App or made known by us from time to time, comprise the entire agreement between the User and us regarding the use of this Service, superseding any prior agreements/ correspondences between the User and us related to the User’s use of this App or Services (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of Terms and Conditions). If any provision of the Terms and Conditions are held invalid, the remainder will continue in full force and effect. The titles are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

Community Guidelines

You agree to RoomYara using emails and other means to notify and engage you with the service. RoomYara users are expected to conduct themselves with a high level of dignity and professionalism. Unacceptable behaviour can lead to the termination of their membership. The below etiquette is expected of RoomYara users:

  • You will not post, or transmit to other users, any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party's rights.
  • You will not use a robot, spider, App search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, data mine, or in any way reproduce, reverse engineer or bypass the navigational structure or presentation of the service or its contents.
  • You will not use the RoomYara app for soliciting your own business activities or for commercial purposes.
  • You will not provide inaccurate, misleading or false information to RoomYara or to any other user.
  • You will not publish links to other web and Apps.
  • You are not permitted to share details of RoomYara login with another person.
  • You should be using your discretion while sharing personal information with other users on RoomYara. RoomYara Members are expected to exercise simple precautions for their privacy and safety. You may not publish any personal contact information on Your Account, such as your complete name, address, email address, telephone number, instant messaging contact details or social media web and App URLs or usernames. In addition, for your safety, you may not include personal contact information in messages to users who have not previously contacted you.
  • Your account will be terminated if you are found to misuse the written spaces on RoomYara.
  • Your photos will be reviewed before being published on RoomYara.
  • You will not upload viruses or other malicious code or compromise the security of the services offered by RoomYara in any way.
  • You will not post content that is vulgar, defamatory, controversial, violative of copyrights and trademark rights, violative of any law that the publishing of such content may be subject to.
  • You will use in a lawful, responsible and respectful manner, any information provided by another RoomYara user.
  • You will not use the service to disrupt public order.
  • You will not infringe upon the normal running of RoomYara or its infrastructure in any way.
  • You will immediately cease contacting any user who asks you to stop contacting them.
  • You will not post, copy, modify, disclose or distribute via our Web and App or services any confidential information; or any other material which is subject to our or a third party's (intellectual property) rights, without first obtaining our or the relevant third party's prior written consent.
  • You agree to compensate us for any claim or damages (including any legal fees in relation to such claim or damages) demanded by a third party in respect of any matter relating to or arising from any breach or suspected breach by you of these terms of use or the rights of a third party. We reserve the right to issue warnings, suspend access to Your Account or terminate Your Account, if we reasonably consider that you are in breach of these terms of use.

RoomYara provides assistance and guidance through its customer care team. When communicating with us, you agree to not be abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexist, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or indulge in any other inappropriate behaviour. If we feel that your behavior towards our customer care team or any other employee is threatening or offensive, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your account without any warning.

RoomYara reserves the right to investigate and/or terminate your account without any refund or reimbursement if we feel you have misled RoomYara or its users, or misused the Service, or behaved in a way that RoomYara regards as inappropriate or unlawful, including actions or communications that occur off the service involving users you met through RoomYara.


The company currently does not conduct any criminal and/or other formal background checks of all its users and also does not attempt to verify the statements of its users. You are solely responsible for taking all appropriate safety precautions in connection with the use of the web and App or services and contacting other users. You accept that there are risks interacting online or offline with other users, including dating and meeting other users. We do not guarantee or verify the accuracy of information provided to you by other users. RoomYara makes every effort to keep the information made available on the web and app accurate and up to date, but we do not guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or current. No rights can be derived from it. Any reliance on the provided information is at your own risk. We do not warrant that the web or app will be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition. All content and services on the web or app are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Any decisions or actions taken by you on the basis of the information provided on or via the web and app are at your sole discretion and risk.

RoomYara shall not collect data from minors. Should a Member lie about his/her date of birth, and particularly if he/she fraudulently claims to be over 18 years of age, the parents of the minor in question should inform RoomYara of this by sending an e-mail contact@roomyara.com, requesting the data to be deleted. RoomYara commits to deleting all data on the minor in question as soon as possible.

Purchases, Cancellation, Returns and Refunds

Since RoomYara does not sell physical goods there is no cancellation or return. RoomYara users can make a payment to purchase digital goods which can be used for soliciting a connection with other RoomYara users. Digitals goods include Messages and VIP subscriptions. New digital goods may be introduced and older digital goods may be modified or removed from time to time. Digital goods obtained through referrals, will expire within 12 months.

When you make an in-app purchase, you will be prompted to enter details for your account with your Software Store ("your IAP Account"), and your IAP Account will be charged for the in app purchase in accordance with the terms disclosed to you at the time of purchase as well as the general terms for in-app purchases that apply to your IAP Account. Some Software Stores may charge you sales tax, depending on where you live. If you purchase an auto-recurring periodic subscription through an in-app purchase, your IAP Account will continue to be billed for the subscription until you cancel. After your initial subscription commitment period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, at the price you agreed to when subscribing. If you do not wish your subscription to renew automatically, or if you want to change or terminate your subscription, you will need to log in to your IAP account and follow instructions to cancel your subscription, even if you have otherwise deleted your account with us or if you have deleted the RoomYara application from your device. Deleting your account on RoomYara or deleting the RoomYara application from your device does not cancel your subscription; RoomYara will retain all funds charged to your IAP Account until you cancel your subscription through your IAP Account.

In general, payments once made, are not refunded under any circumstances. In other words, you do not have the option of cancelling or getting a refund for any payment. It follows that you will not be getting a refund for any payment when your membership is terminated. We may make an exception if a refund is requested within 14 days of the transaction date if the payment was made in a currency other than INR, the paid goods remain unused, and if the laws applicable in your jurisdiction provide for refunds. Such refunds will be issued within 7 business days.

Any payment related queries regarding payments made from iOS devices using your Apple ID must be sent to Apple and not to RoomYara. To request a refund, please visit https://getsupport.apple.com. If you made the payment using your Google Play Store, please contact the RoomYara customer support by writing to contact@roomyara.com with your order details and invoice from the Google Play Store. If you made a payment through the Web or App or through any other payment gateway, please contact the RoomYara customer support by writing to contact@roomyara.com with your order details and invoice.


The rights granted by RoomYara to the user are restricted to private and personal use. As a user of RoomYara, you grant RoomYara a free-of-charge, non-exclusive, international and permanent license for the use, reproduction, representation, modification and translation of any basic intellectual property-related component (text, emojis, photos, videos etc.) that it may provide through the App for the non-exclusive purpose of communicating with other users on RoomYara. RoomYara can use such content in any format on the Web, App, ads, other shielded areas accessible by other users and for other internal purposes.

RoomYara reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the service (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that RoomYara shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service.

Deletion of Account

A user of RoomYara may decide at any time and without notice to delete their account. If this user wishes to use RoomYara again, they will be required to register once again.

If a user deletes their account:

  • Their profile will be removed from the list of profiles on RoomYara
  • The user cannot reactivate their deleted profile

RoomYara reserves the right to terminate your membership, to suspend a profile or to disable access with respect to a breach of any of the terms with or without notice. Under any circumstances purchases made on RoomYara will not be refundable.

Copyright Infringement Claims

You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. Without limiting the foregoing, if you believe that your work has been copied and posted on the Service in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us contact@roomyara.com with the following information:

  • An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest
  • A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed
  • A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the app
  • Your full name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • A written statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law
  • A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf

External Links and Services

The service may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other world wide web Apps or resources. Because RoomYara has no control over such Apps and resources, you acknowledge and agree that RoomYara is not responsible for the availability of such external Apps or resources, is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such Apps or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that RoomYara shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of, or reliance upon, any such content, goods or services available on or through any such App or resource. Please go through the terms and privacy policies of such Apps carefully as you would be bound by those during such interactions.

Limitation of Liability and Disputes

  • You are solely responsible for your interactions with other RoomYara users. RoomYara reserves the right to, but is not obliged to, monitor the resolution of any disputes arising between RoomYara users. We are not obliged to become involved in any domestic or private disputes between users and do not provide any arbitration or settlement service. RoomYara also reserves the right to take action, as deemed appropriate against errant users.
  • In no event shall RoomYara, its affiliates, employees, agents, licensors or partners be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to the conduct of you or anyone else in connection with the use of the service, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a computer or electronic virus, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, wasted management or office time, breach of contract or claims of third parties or other losses of any kind or character, even if RoomYara has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of RoomYara and/or any other damages resulting from communications or meetings with other users of this service or persons you meet through this service.
  • If you choose to invite someone to join our Web or App, you may select a person directly from your contacts list on your device and send a text, email or message from your personal account. You understand and agree that you are responsible for any charges made against communications sent from your device.
  • We will provide RoomYara service to you with reasonable skill and care. We do not make any warranties or representations (neither express nor implied) with respect to the Web, App or the associated services.
  • You hereby expressly agree not to hold RoomYara liable for any instruction, advice, or services delivered through our App or Web. RoomYara expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any damage, suits, claims, and/or controversies that arise or relate in any way to our web or app.
  • You expressly understand and agree that RoomYara will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, resulting from: a) the use or inability to use the web or app; b) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information or services obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through, from, or as a result of the web or app; c) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; d) statements or conduct of any user or third party on the web or app; e) your reliance on content data made available by us; or f) any other matter relating to the web or app.
  • Nothing in these terms of use shall exclude or limit our liability for our fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our employees or agents.
  • To the fullest extent possible by law, RoomYara's maximum liability arising out of or in connection with the web or app or your use of our content, regardless of the cause of action (whether in contract, tort, breach of warranty, or otherwise), will not exceed greater than the fees you have paid to make purchases on RoomYara.


To the full extent permitted under Indian laws, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless RoomYara, it's officers, directors and employees from and against all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, complaints, losses, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, due to, arising out of, or relating in any way to your access to or use of the services, your content, or your breach of this agreement.


RoomYara does not represent or warrant that (a) any matches or profiles presented will be compatible and/or guarantee success in finding a partner, or that (b) the service will be uninterrupted, secure or error free, (c) any defects or errors in the service will be corrected, (d) that any content or information you obtain on or through the service will be accurate, or (e) any suggestions or feedback will be incorporated.

RoomYara takes no responsibility for any content that you or another user or third party posts, sends or receives through the service. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is accessed at your own discretion and risk.

RoomYara disclaims and takes no responsibility for any conduct of you or any other user, on or off the service.

Advertising and External Links

The service may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other world wide web Apps or resources. Because RoomYara has no control over such Apps and resources, you acknowledge and agree that RoomYara is not responsible for the availability of such external Apps or resources, is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such Apps or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that RoomYara shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of, or reliance upon, any such content, goods or services available on or through any such App or resource. Please go through the terms of use and privacy policies of such Apps carefully as you would be bound by those during such interactions.


  • RoomYara or DesiBoy Innovations LLP can be acquired for a part or in whole by another company. This will be done without (written) notice.
  • If you breach these terms of use and we take no action against you, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these terms of use.
  • If any part of these terms of use is disallowed or found to be void by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply. We will adjust these terms of use as necessary, in which case the invalid terms will be replaced by valid terms that differ the least from the concerned invalid terms.
  • These terms of use are not intended to give rights to anyone except you and us.
  • We reserve the right, at our discretion, to make changes to the terms of use and privacy policy at any time. The most updated version is available on our app and web or App. Please check the terms of use and privacy policy periodically for changes as all modifications are effective upon publication. Continued use of the RoomYara app and web or services after revision indicates the user's acceptance of the terms of use.

In case you come across suspicious activity, immediately notify us at contact@roomyara.com

RoomYara is strongly committed to your right to privacy. This section covers RoomYara's privacy policy that highlights how we handle personally identifiable information that RoomYara collects when you are on our Website or App. Please read this privacy policy carefully. All information covered by RoomYara's privacy policy will continue to be protected under RoomYara's privacy policy irrespective of any change in your membership status in the future.

By using the RoomYara Website or App, you accept all practices described in this privacy policy.

Why do we collect personal information?

In this Privacy Policy, your "Personal Data" means information or pieces of information that could allow you to be identified. We process your personal data for us to be able to carry out our contractual commitments towards you. We use this information to assist you in your search for a suitable partner in terms of age, gender, height, interests etc. In addition we process Personal Data to comply with legal obligations. We also process your Personal Data for allowing other users to view your profile on RoomYara, conducting an analysis of your browsing pattern and history, and allowing our access, payment and storage business partners to process your Personal Data.

Sometimes we need your consent to process Personal Data, such as for sending you newsletters and promotions.

Before you can become a user we also ask for your explicit consent so that we can:

  • Place tracking cookies
  • Process your profile information
  • Process data that you enter about your partner preferences
  • Process photographs of you
  • Process details of your work and interests
  • Process your bio and other textual content added to your profile
  • Process your geolocation
  • Offer you services mentioned in this Privacy Policy that require an act of consent from you

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time for processing your location, however, this will not affect any of the prior processing of your Personal Data.

Which personal information do we process?

You will be asked to register before you can use RoomYara. In the process, you will be asked for your name, mobile number and email ID etc. After registering, you can create your personal RoomYara account ("Your Account"). In this respect, you are invited to provide us with your name, pictures of you, a description of yourself, details about your interests, philosophy, work and basic information about yourself (such as your age, height, religion, ethnicity, place of residence etc). We will process these data.

You can create Your Account through Facebook, Gmail or mobile number Login.

By using Facebook or gmail Login, you allow the platform to share with us the (personal) data you have shared with them – such as your name, email, gender, date of birth, pictures, likes, friend information etc. We will process these data.

Please note that in case of overdue payments, we will need to retain your email address and phone number for communication purposes.

Furthermore, we will process your IP address, login information, customer service history, time zone settings, device ID, browser language and - if you have given us explicit permission – your geolocation.

How do we use your personal data?

We will only share your Personal Data with other users, and only what is necessary to assess if another user could be interesting for you – which will be clarified below.

We will only disclose your Personal Data to third parties if there is a legal obligation to do so by a statutory authority from the appropriate jurisdiction. We do not sell your Personal Data to third parties.

Data on Your Account: Your Account will be visible to other users. Your first name will be your identity on our platform. The description of yourself, and basic information regarding yourself (such as age, height, profession etc) will be accessible on Your Account. Members of RoomYara can perform targeted searches on the basis of age, religion and other information that users share on their accounts. Once you have created Your Account, the data you have shared with Facebook or Linkedin will also be linked to Your Account. If other users have also used Facebook Login and have enabled Facebook Folio, you can see which mutual connections you and other users have. We advise you to be careful with sharing information on Your Account with other users.

Your login information: We will process and store your login information to verify your identity to access Your Account.

Your email address and mobile no: We do not share your email address with third parties.

Your email address will be used to: inform you of your membership status; notify you other relevant activity regarding Your Account; engage you with the application through newsletters and for troubleshooting.

SMS from RoomYara: By registering you give us permission to send you SMS notifications. If you wish to not receive them, please mail us at contact@roomyara.com.

Your geolocation: We will share your current location to make it insightful for our users who may live or work nearby. We will never share your zip code with other users of RoomYara. You can choose to share your geolocation, which is necessary to see which other users of RoomYara are nearby at any given moment. Your geolocation will be shared with other users who have shared their geolocation. Please note that we never share accurate geolocations with RoomYara users – the accuracy is limited to 0.5 kilometers at the most.

Your date of birth: Your date of birth is used to calculate your age, which will be visible on Your Account.

Photos you upload: While creating Your Account, it is necessary to upload pictures of yourself and to select a display picture for your account. We may use an external face recognition tool and other techniques to select the best pictures for Your Account. This selection may be based on features like image quality, composition and authenticity. Images uploaded by you may be modified by us to make them more presentable on the platform. New pictures uploaded by you will be reviewed before they appear on Your Account. The pictures that you upload will be displayed to other users. Your Avatar or other photos may also be included in email messages from RoomYara to other users, if RoomYara considers you to be a good match with that user. Your Account, including pictures might be displayed on the homepage of RoomYara for public viewing with your consent.

Your chat messages and other written content: Your chat messages are strictly confidential and is only processed in order to give you access to your chat-history. Please note that we do use filter software and techniques that notifies us of chat messages with inappropriate content (e.g. derogatory or aggressive language, or unlawful use of our platform for advertisements or link-building.) After such notification we reserve the right to erase the offensive content. This is applicable to other written content you post on RoomYara such as on My Story and My Date Idea.

Your customer service history: If you contact our customer service team, we keep a record of your correspondence with us, in order to optimize our service for you.

Non-personal data: We may also process non-personal data whenever you use our website or app. This data may include your browser type and version, the type of your computer or mobile device and technical information about your means to connect to our Websites (such as your operating system and platform and the utilized internet service providers).

Push notifications from RoomYara: If you have given us explicit permission, we will send you push notifications via our App to inform you about your membership status and to notify you of new messages you have received and other activity with regard to Your Account. We may also send you push notifications with suggestions of people you might like and other promotional material.

Inviting friends

If you refer a friend to RoomYara, you will send an email message, Whatsapp message, SMS, Messenger message to the contact details you submitted to us. We won't share these details with anyone else. By choosing to invite your friend to join RoomYara you confirm that your friend is happy to receive the invitation. You also hereby agree to indemnify and hold RoomYara harmless from all claims arising out of your messages to any person through RoomYara. You must and will not use our invite friends feature to send spam.

How do we protect your personal data?

We try our best to ensure that your Personal Data is protected and secure from unauthorized or unlawful access, alteration, disclosure, use or destruction. We encrypt our services using SSL, the data is accessible only through a secret password and digital signatures, and our employees only have access to your data on a need-to-know basis. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not always completely secure. Although we take all reasonable measures, we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to our Website or App; any transmission is at your own risk.

How long do we retain your personal data?

Your Personal Data is retained no longer than strictly necessary or as long as allowed by law, whichever is shorter. In the event that you have not logged in to your profile for five years, your Personal Data may be erased from our records. Of course, you can always contact our support team through your registered email address with a request to delete your data from our records.

Changes to this privacy policy

We are constantly looking for new ways to improve RoomYara and we may unilaterally update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When there is a significant change in this Privacy Policy, you will see a pop up in the app which you will have to accept before you can continue to use RoomYara.

Storage and transfer of your personal data

You personal data may be hosted by our storage partners in servers located in countries other than your country of residence.

You can also view, edit or delete your Personal Data by logging in to your RoomYara account. To protect loss of data due to natural disasters and other such unforeseeable circumstances, we store your details as backup for a safety retention window of upto three years following account deletion. During this period, account information will be retained although the account will of course not be visible on RoomYara anymore.

When you delete your account, your personal data is deleted after this retention window. We only retain your email address and phone number in order to be able to contact you with regard to payment matters. For internal use, we may store generic, non-personal data regarding your activity as a user (number of people invited, number of logins, term of your subscription, payment method, etc).

RoomYara shall not collect data from minors. Should a Member lie about his/her date of birth, and particularly if he/she fraudulently claims to be over 18 years of age, the parents of the minor in question should inform RoomYara of this by sending an e-mail to contact@roomyara.com, requesting the data to be deleted. RoomYara commits to deleting all data on the minor in question as soon as possible.

When registering, the Member expressly consents to his/her data being transmitted to RoomYara service providers and subcontractors outside of the Member's country of residence, to let RoomYara run statistical studies, support users, and if need be, host data processed by the Application.

RoomYara guarantees that the transfers are made under conditions ensuring the confidentiality and security of the data and providing an adequate level of protection in compliance with regulations.

We may disclose your personal information

  • in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal information to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets
  • to identify, contact or bring legal action against you if you are violating our terms of use or other rules or if we believe you are causing injury or interference with the rights of users, the general public or RoomYara
  • if we or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal information held by us will be a part of the transferred assets
  • if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms and other agreements or to protect our rights, property, or safety of our customers, or others

Know about us

RoomYara, the accompanying website and app are owned by DesiBoy Innovations LLP, 113, Khojakhedi District Damoh Madhya Pradesh, india

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to make changes to the terms of use and privacy policy at any time. The most updated version is available on our App and Website at all times. Please check the terms of use and privacy policy periodically for changes as all modifications are effective upon publication.

Continued use of the RoomYara app and website after revision indicates the user's acceptance of the terms of use and privacy policy.

In case you come across suspicious activity, immediately notify us at contact@roomyara.com